L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for V03AB.profile.u50

Results summary View all lists in GO:MoleFunc View all genes in V03AB.profile.u50
List Name Description Total
porter activity A transporter of solutes that utilizes a carrier-mediated process to catalyze uniport, symport or antiport between aqueous phases on either side of a lipid membrane. 238 0.59 4 6.80 3.08e-03
electrochemical potential-driven transporter activity Catalysis of the carrier-mediated transfer of one or more substances across a membrane. Transport occurs in three ways: uniport, a single species is transported by facilitated diffusion in a process not coupled to the utilization of a primary source of energy; antiport, two or more species are transported in opposite directions in a tightly coupled process not directly linked to a form of energy other than chemiosmotic energy; and symport, two or more species are transported together in the same direction in a tightly coupled process not directly linked to a form of energy other than chemiosmotic energy. 240 0.59 4 6.74 3.17e-03
symporter activity Catalyze the transport of two or more molecular species across a membrane, transport being in the same direction. 133 0.33 3 9.12 4.56e-03
antiporter activity Catalysis of the exchange of one or more molecular species for another across a membrane. 52 0.13 2 15.56 7.46e-03

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