L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Probes from S01BA.profile.u50 that match alpha-beta T cell differentiation during immune response

Results summary View all lists in GO:BiolProc View all genes in S01BA.profile.u50

alpha-beta T cell differentiation during immune response

The process whereby an antigenically nave alpha-beta T cell acquires the specialized features of an effector, regulatory, or memory T cell during an immune response. Effector T cells include cells which provide T cell help or exhibit cytotoxicity towards other cells.

enrichment: 23.80-fold
p-value: 0.04

image image
Probe ID Name G T D X E P R C S image image Description
203140_AT BCL6 G   D X     R C S image image B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 (zinc finger protein 51)