L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for N05AL.profile.d50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in N05AL.profile.d50
List Name Description Total
tgfb_hmvec_2hr_up Up-regulated 2 hr following treatment of human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC) with TGFbeta. 1997 4.94 23 4.66 2.86e-09
tgfb_hmvec_4hr_up Up-regulated 4 hr following treatment of human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC) with TGFbeta. 1997 4.94 23 4.66 2.86e-09
stemcell_neural_up Enriched in mouse neural stem cells, compared to differentiated brain and bone marrow cells 2805 6.93 18 2.60 3.17e-04
heatshock_hela_4hr_dn Down-regulated at 4 hours following 1.5 hr 43degC heat shock of HeLa cells compared to untreated controls (> 1.5-fold, FDR < 0.05). 1829 4.52 13 2.88 8.24e-04
erm_ko_testes_dn Down-regulated in testes from 4 week old ERM knockout mice, compared to wild-type controls 24 0.06 2 33.71 1.63e-03
brca_er_neg Genes whose expression is consistently negatively correlated with estrogen receptor status in breast cancer - higher expression is associated with ER-negative tumors 1519 3.75 11 2.93 1.73e-03
heartfailure_atria_dn Downregulated in the atria of failing hearts (DCM and ICM) compared to healthy controls 213 0.53 4 7.60 2.07e-03
ageing_brain_dn Age-downregulated in the human frontal cortex 244 0.60 4 6.63 3.36e-03
dox_resist_gastric_dn Downregulated in gastric cancer cell lines reistant to doxorubicin, compared to parent chemosensitive lines 43 0.11 2 18.82 5.16e-03
genotoxins_all_4hrs_reg Genes regulated in mouse lymphocytes (TK 3.7.2C) at 4 hours by all six genotoxins tested (cisplatin, methyl methanesulfonate, mitomycin C, taxol, hydroxyurea and etoposide) 45 0.11 2 17.98 5.64e-03
et743_sarcoma_dn Down-regulated following treatment with Et-743 at any timepoint in at least 8 of 11 sarcoma cell lines 459 1.13 5 4.41 6.09e-03

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