L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for M02AA.profile.d50

Results summary View all lists in GO:BiolProc View all genes in M02AA.profile.d50
List Name Description Total
meiosis Progression through meiosis, the specialized nuclear and cell division in which a single diploid cell undergoes two nuclear divisions following a single round of DNA replication in order to produce four daughter cells that contain half the number of chromosomes as the diploid cell. Meiosis occurs during the formation of gametes from diploid organisms and at the beginning of haplophase in those organisms that alternate between diploid and haploid generations. 97 0.24 3 12.51 1.87e-03
M phase of meiotic cell cycle Progression through M phase, the part of the meiotic cell cycle during which meiosis and cytokinesis take place. 97 0.24 3 12.51 1.87e-03
meiotic cell cycle Progression through the phases of the meiotic cell cycle, in which canonically a cell replicates to produce four offspring with half the chromosomal content of the progenitor cell. 98 0.24 3 12.38 1.93e-03
DNA recombination The processes by which a new genotype is formed by reassortment of genes resulting in gene combinations different from those that were present in the parents. In eukaryotes genetic recombination can occur by chromosome assortment, intrachromosomal recombination, or nonreciprocal interchromosomal recombination. Intrachromosomal recombination occurs by crossing over. In bacteria it may occur by genetic transformation, conjugation, transduction, or F-duction. 158 0.39 3 7.68 7.33e-03
DNA metabolic process The chemical reactions and pathways involving DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, one of the two main types of nucleic acid, consisting of a long, unbranched macromolecule formed from one, or more commonly, two, strands of linked deoxyribonucleotides. 922 2.28 7 3.07 8.85e-03
DNA repair The process of restoring DNA after damage. Genomes are subject to damage by chemical and physical agents in the environment (e.g. UV and ionizing radiations, chemical mutagens, fungal and bacterial toxins, etc.) and by free radicals or alkylating agents endogenously generated in metabolism. DNA is also damaged because of errors during its replication. A variety of different DNA repair pathways have been reported that include direct reversal, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, photoreactivation, bypass, double-strand break repair pathway, and mismatch repair pathway. 325 0.80 4 4.98 9.11e-03

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