L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for J01DB.profile.d50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in J01DB.profile.d50
List Name Description Total
brca1_mes_up Genes with reduced expression in mouse embryonic stem cells with a targeted deletion of BRCA1, whose expression was rescued by ectopic expression of a BRCA1 transgene 86 0.21 3 14.11 1.33e-03
tnfalpha_adip_dn Downregulated in mature, differentiated adipocytes following treatment with TNFalpha 101 0.25 3 12.02 2.10e-03
hdaci_colon_cluster5 Regulated by TSA, butyrate and/or curcumin in SW260 colon carcinoma cells (Cluster 5) 32 0.08 2 25.28 2.88e-03
adip_diff_up Upregulated in mature adipocytes following diffferentiation from 3T3-L1 fibroblasts 123 0.30 3 9.87 3.66e-03
stemcell_embryonic_up Enriched in mouse embryonic stem cells, compared to differentiated brain and bone marrow cells 1989 4.92 12 2.44 4.74e-03
tgz_adip_up Upregulated in mature, differentiated adipocytes following treatment with troglitazone 43 0.11 2 18.82 5.16e-03
stemcell_hematopoietic_up Enriched in mouse hematopoietic stem cells, compared to differentiated brain and bone marrow cells 2092 5.17 12 2.32 6.94e-03
brca1_overexp_prostate_up Up-regulated with stable, ectopic overexpression of BRCA1 in DU-145 human prostate cancer cell lines, compared to neo-only controls 308 0.76 4 5.25 7.58e-03
alzheimers_incipient_dn Downregulated in correlation with incipient Alzheimer's Disease, in the CA1 region of the hippocampus 312 0.77 4 5.19 7.92e-03
et743_sarcoma_24hrs_dn Down-regulated at 24 hours following treatment with Et-743 in at least 8 of 11 sarcoma cell lines 163 0.40 3 7.45 7.98e-03
hdaci_colon_but12hrs_up Upregulated by butyrate at 12 hrs in SW260 colon carcinoma cells 54 0.13 2 14.98 8.03e-03
pod1_ko_dn Down-regulated in glomeruli isolated from Pod1 knockout mice, versus wild-type controls 1135 2.81 8 2.85 8.14e-03
hdaci_colon_but16hrs_dn Downregulated by butyrate at 16 hrs in SW260 colon carcinoma cells 167 0.41 3 7.27 8.52e-03
brca1_overexp_up Upregulated by induction of exogenous BRCA1 in EcR-293 cells 328 0.81 4 4.93 9.39e-03

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