L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for G03DC.profile.ud50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in G03DC.profile.ud50
List Name Description Total
uvc_low_all_dn Down-regulated at any timepoint following treatment of WS1 human skin fibroblasts with UVC at a low dose (10 J/m^2) (clusters c1-c5) 115 0.57 6 10.55 2.59e-05
fsh_human_granulosa_up Up-regulated by FSH in primary human granulosa cells (rFSH-17) 31 0.15 3 19.57 4.90e-04
bleo_human_lymph_high_4hrs_up Up-regulated at 4 hours following treatment of human lymphocytes (TK6) with a high dose of bleomycin 32 0.16 3 18.96 5.38e-04
uvc_low_c2_dn Down-regulated at 6-12 hours following treatment of WS1 human skin fibroblasts with UVC at a low dose (10 J/m^2) (cluster c2) 34 0.17 3 17.85 6.45e-04
hdaci_three_up Upregulated in several cell lines by all of TSA, SAHA, and MS-275 8 0.04 2 50.57 6.71e-04
xpb_ttd-cs_dn Down-regulated in XPB/TTD fibroblasts (expressing XPB-A355C), compared to XPB/CS fibroblasts (expressing XPB-T296C) 41 0.20 3 14.80 1.12e-03
dac_cgi_fibro_dn Downregulated by DAC treatment in LD419 fibroblast cells, with 5' CpG island 12 0.06 2 33.71 1.56e-03
o6bg_resist_medulloblastoma_up Up-regulated in a medulloblastoma cell line resistant to both BCNU and O6-BG, compared to sensitive parent line (D-341 MED) 46 0.23 3 13.19 1.56e-03
alk5_hmvec_2hr_up Up-regulated 2 hr following constitutive activation of TGFbeta receptor ALK5,, which activates the Smad2/3 pathway, in human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC). 347 1.72 7 4.08 1.91e-03
alk5_hmvec_4hr_up Up-regulated 4 hr following constitutive activation of TGFbeta receptor ALK5,, which activates the Smad2/3 pathway, in human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC). 347 1.72 7 4.08 1.91e-03
adipocyte_brca_up Upregulated in breast cancer cells (MCF-7) treated with adipocyte-conditioned growth media 14 0.07 2 28.90 2.14e-03
et743_blockstsa Normally induced by the HDACi TSA, but induction is blocked by Et-743 15 0.07 2 26.97 2.46e-03
dac_fibro_dn Downregulated by DAC treatment in LD419 fibroblast cells 17 0.08 2 23.80 3.16e-03
scar_fibro_dn Downregulated in hypertrophic scar fibroblasts, compared to normal skin fibroblasts 17 0.08 2 23.80 3.16e-03
oldonly_fibro_dn Downregulated in fibroblasts from old (but not Werner) individuals, compared to young 61 0.30 3 9.95 3.51e-03
as3_hek293_up Upregulated in HEK293 cells by treatment with arsenite 19 0.09 2 21.29 3.95e-03
cmv_all_dn Downregulated at any timepoint following infection of primary human foreskin fibroblasts with CMV 213 1.05 5 4.75 4.41e-03
stress_genotoxic_specific_up Genes up-regulated 4 hours following genotoxic stress that discriminate genotoxic from non-genotoxic stress 67 0.33 3 9.06 4.57e-03
cmv_24hrs_dn Downregulated at 24hrs following infection of primary human foreskin fibroblasts with CMV 140 0.69 4 5.78 5.38e-03
cmv_hcmv_timecourse_10hrs_up Up-regulated in fibroblasts following infection with human cytomegalovirus (at least 3-fold, with Affymetrix change call, in at least two consectutive timepoints), with maximum change at 10 hours 23 0.11 2 17.59 5.77e-03
tsa_panc50_up 50 "most interesting" genes upregulated by TSA treatment in at least one of four pancreatic cancer cell lines, but not in normal (HPDE) cells 77 0.38 3 7.88 6.73e-03
calres_mouse_dn Downregulated in the gastrocnemius muscle of aged (30-month) mice subjected to caloric restriction since young adulthood vs. age-matched controls 79 0.39 3 7.68 7.22e-03
hypoxia_reg_up Upregulated by hypoxia in renal cells, and downregulated with reoxygenation 80 0.40 3 7.59 7.48e-03
erm_ko_sertoli_dn Down-regulated in Sertoli cells from both 4 and 10 week old ERM knockout mice, compared to 4 week wild-type controls 29 0.14 2 13.95 9.08e-03
uvb_nhek3_c7 Regulated by UV-B light in normal human epidermal keratinocytes, cluster 7 86 0.43 3 7.06 9.11e-03
5fu_resist_gastric_dn Downregulated in gastric cancer cell lines reistant to 5-fluorouracil, compared to parent chemosensitive lines 30 0.15 2 13.48 9.70e-03

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