L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for P01B.profile.d50

Results summary View all lists in GO:BiolProc View all genes in P01B.profile.d50
List Name Description Total
transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template by RNA polymerase I (Pol I), originating at a Pol I-specific promoter. 17 0.04 2 47.59 8.11e-04
cell cycle phase A cell cycle process comprising the steps by which a cell progresses through one of the biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. 474 1.17 6 5.12 1.30e-03
cell cycle process A cellular process that is involved in the progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. 1144 2.83 9 3.18 2.56e-03
M phase Progression through M phase, the part of the cell cycle comprising nuclear division and cytokinesis. 375 0.93 5 5.39 2.61e-03
cell cycle The progression of biochemical and morphological phases and events that occur in a cell during successive cell replication or nuclear replication events. Canonically, the cell cycle comprises the replication and segregation of genetic material followed by the division of the cell, but in endocycles or syncytial cells nuclear replication or nuclear division may not be followed by cell division. 1307 3.23 9 2.79 6.00e-03

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