L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for L02B.profile.u50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in L02B.profile.u50
List Name Description Total
aom-dss_colon_5wks_up Up-regulated in mouse colonic mucosa after 5 weeks of treatment with the colon carcinogens azoxymethane (AOM) and 2% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) vs. untreated controls. 133 0.33 4 12.17 3.61e-04
mmc_res_xenografts_up Up-regulation is correlated with resistance of human cancer xenografts to mitomycin C 14 0.03 2 57.79 5.45e-04
dixoin_pbmnc_up Up-regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of subjects with high exposure to dioxin, compared to low-exposure controls. 17 0.04 2 47.59 8.11e-04
cmv_hcmv_timecourse_1hr_dn Down-regulated in fibroblasts following infection with human cytomegalovirus (at least 3-fold, with Affymetrix change call, in at least two consectutive timepoints), with maximum change at 1 hour 73 0.18 3 16.62 8.25e-04
5fu_resist_gastric_dn Downregulated in gastric cancer cell lines reistant to 5-fluorouracil, compared to parent chemosensitive lines 30 0.07 2 26.97 2.54e-03
dex_keratinocyte_4hr_up Up-regulated in primary human keratinocytes at 4 hours following treatment with 0.1 microM dexamethasone 35 0.09 2 23.12 3.44e-03
gh_exogenous_any_dn Down-regulated at any time point (1-24 hours) following treatment of mammary carcinoma cells (MCF-7) with exogenous human growth hormone 142 0.35 3 8.55 5.46e-03
uv-4nqo_fibro_dn Down-regulated at any timepoint by treatment of human fibroblasts with UV light or 4-NQO, but not by gamma radiation 48 0.12 2 16.86 6.39e-03
igf_vs_pdgf_dn Down-regulated in mouse C2AS12 myoblasts by treatment with IGF1, compared to treatment with PDGF 53 0.13 2 15.27 7.74e-03
hdaci_colon_but12hrs_up Upregulated by butyrate at 12 hrs in SW260 colon carcinoma cells 54 0.13 2 14.98 8.03e-03
bap_hepg2_dn Down-regulated at least 1.4-fold following treatment of HepG2 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells with carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), at any time point from 6-48 hours and at any concentration from 0.25-5 microM. 56 0.14 2 14.45 8.61e-03

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