L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for L01B.profile.ud50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in L01B.profile.ud50
List Name Description Total
serum_fibroblast_cellcycle Cell-cycle dependent genes regulated following exposure to serum in a variety of human fibroblast cell lines 197 0.97 11 11.29 6.07e-09
idx_tsa_up_cluster3 Strongly up-regulated at 16-24 hours during differentiation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts into adipocytes with IDX (insulin, dexamethasone and isobutylxanthine), vs. fibroblasts treated with IDX + TSA to prevent differentiation (cluster 3) 136 0.67 8 11.90 4.79e-07
dox_resist_gastric_up Upregulated in gastric cancer cell lines reistant to doxorubicin, compared to parent chemosensitive lines 74 0.37 6 16.40 2.03e-06
p21_p53_early_dn Down-regulated at early timepoints (4-8 hrs) following ectopic expression of p21 (CDKN1A) in OvCa cells, p53-dependent 23 0.11 4 35.18 4.91e-06
alk1_hmvec_2hr_up Up-regulated 2 hr following constitutive activation of TGFbeta receptor ALK1, which activates the Smad1/5 pathway, in human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC). 593 2.93 13 4.43 1.18e-05
alk1_hmvec_4hr_up Up-regulated 4 hr following constitutive activation of TGFbeta receptor ALK1, which activates the Smad1/5 pathway, in human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC). 593 2.93 13 4.43 1.18e-05
adip_diff_cluster5 Strongly upregulated at 24 hours during differentiation of 3T3-L1 fibroblasts into adipocytes (cluster 5) 67 0.33 5 15.09 2.21e-05
p21_p53_any_dn Down-regulated at any timepoint (4-24 hrs) following ectopic expression of p21 (CDKN1A) in OvCa cells, p53-dependent 77 0.38 5 13.13 4.34e-05
uvb_nhek1_dn Downregulated by UV-B light in normal human epidermal keratinocytes 542 2.68 11 4.11 1.06e-04
heatshock_hela_2hr_dn Down-regulated at 2 hours following 1.5 hr 43degC heat shock of HeLa cells compared to untreated controls (> 1.5-fold, FDR < 0.05). 223 1.10 7 6.35 1.41e-04
senescence_hff_dn Down-regulated in primary human foreskin fibroblasts at replicative senescence (passage 26) compared to active replication (passage 8). 299 1.48 8 5.41 1.44e-04
middleage_dn Downregulated in fibroblasts from middle-age individuals, compared to young 23 0.11 3 26.38 1.99e-04
senescence_rep-ind_dn Down-regulated in models of both replicative (high-passge human foreskin fibroblast) and induced (repression of E7 in HeLa) cellular senescence. 171 0.85 6 7.10 2.32e-04
uvc_xpcs_all_up Up-regulated at any timepoint following treatment of XPB/CS fibroblasts with 3 J/m^2 UVC 112 0.55 5 9.03 2.55e-04
senescence_hela_dn Down-regulated in HeLa/HPV16E6 cells 6 days following induction of senescence by repression of HPV E7 via HPV E2 and subsequent reactivation of Rb. 341 1.69 8 4.75 3.49e-04
rb_creko_up Up-regulated at 144 hours after disruption of Rb in adult mouse fibroblasts by Cre recombination, versus GFP controls. 344 1.70 8 4.70 3.70e-04
heatshock_hela_4hr_dn Down-regulated at 4 hours following 1.5 hr 43degC heat shock of HeLa cells compared to untreated controls (> 1.5-fold, FDR < 0.05). 1829 9.04 20 2.21 1.08e-03
uvc_xpcs_8hr_up Up-regulated at 8 hours following treatment of XPB/CS fibroblasts with 3 J/m^2 UVC 108 0.53 4 7.49 2.13e-03
p53genes_apoptosis p53 transcriptional targets involved in apoptosis 14 0.07 2 28.90 2.14e-03
uvb_nhek1_c6 Downregulated by UV-B light in normal human epidermal keratinocytes, cluster 6 268 1.32 6 4.53 2.37e-03
p21_early_dn Down-regulated at early timepoints (4-8 hrs) follwing ectopic expression of p21 (CDKN1A) in OvCa cells 16 0.08 2 25.28 2.80e-03
tgfb_hmvec_4hr_dn Down-regulated 4 hr following treatment of human microvessel endothelial cells (HMVEC) with TGFbeta. 1321 6.53 15 2.30 3.01e-03
hippocampus_development_prenatal Highly expressed in prenatal mouse hippocampus (cluster 1) 58 0.29 3 10.46 3.04e-03
hsc_hscandprogenitors_fetal Up-regulated in mouse hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors from fetal liver (HSC and Progenitors Shared) 717 3.54 10 2.82 3.52e-03
hsc_hscandprogenitors_shared Up-regulated in mouse hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors from both adult bone marrow and fetal liver (Cluster iii, HSC and Progenitors Shared) 717 3.54 10 2.82 3.52e-03
hsc_hscandprogenitors_adult Up-regulated in mouse hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors from adult bone marrow (HSC and Progenitors Shared + Adult) 724 3.58 10 2.79 3.77e-03
uvc_ttd_all_up Up-regulated at any timepoint following treatment of XPB/TTD fibroblasts with 3 J/m^2 UVC 140 0.69 4 5.78 5.38e-03
cmv_hcmv_timecourse_10hrs_up Up-regulated in fibroblasts following infection with human cytomegalovirus (at least 3-fold, with Affymetrix change call, in at least two consectutive timepoints), with maximum change at 10 hours 23 0.11 2 17.59 5.77e-03
oldage_dn Downregulated in fibroblasts from old individuals, compared to young 76 0.38 3 7.98 6.49e-03
werner_fibro_up Upregulated in fibroblasts from individuals with Werner syndrome, compared to normal, young individuals 81 0.40 3 7.49 7.74e-03
cmv_hcmv_timecourse_14hrs_up Up-regulated in fibroblasts following infection with human cytomegalovirus (at least 3-fold, with Affymetrix change call, in at least two consectutive timepoints), with maximum change at 14 hours 84 0.42 3 7.22 8.55e-03
old_fibro_up Upregulated in fibroblasts from old individuals, compared to young 84 0.42 3 7.22 8.55e-03
insulin_adip_sens_dn Down-regulated by insulin in murine adipocytes, but response is blunted following induction of insulin-resistance with TNFalpha treatment 29 0.14 2 13.95 9.08e-03
brca_prognosis_neg Genes whose expression is consistently negatively correlated with breast cancer outcomes - higher expression is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis 166 0.82 4 4.87 9.68e-03
oldwerner_fibro_up Commonly upregulated in fibroblasts from Werner Syndrome and old individuals, compared to young 30 0.15 2 13.48 9.70e-03
uvb_nhek3_c0 Regulated by UV-B light in normal human epidermal keratinocytes, cluster 0 167 0.83 4 4.84 9.88e-03

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