L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Probes from L01A.profile.d50 that match bay_pbmc_24hr_dn

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in L01A.profile.d50


Down-regulated at 24 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist.

enrichment: 4.53-fold
p-value: 0.03

image image
Probe ID Name G T D X E P R C S image image Description
201009_S_AT TXNIP       X E         image image thioredoxin interacting protein
208971_AT UROD                   image image uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
201010_S_AT TXNIP       X E         image image thioredoxin interacting protein