L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for A11H.profile.ud50

Results summary View all lists in GO:BiolProc View all genes in A11H.profile.ud50
List Name Description Total
mitotic sister chromatid segregation The cell cycle process whereby replicated homologous chromosomes are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two sets during the mitotic cell cycle. Each replicated chromosome, composed of two sister chromatids, aligns at the cell equator, paired with its homologous partner. One homolog of each morphologic type goes into each of the resulting chromosome sets. 37 0.18 3 16.40 8.28e-04
sister chromatid segregation The process by which sister chromatids are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets. 38 0.19 3 15.97 8.96e-04
mitotic chromosome condensation The cell cycle process whereby chromatin structure is compacted prior to mitosis in eukaryotic cells. 22 0.11 2 18.39 5.29e-03
cellular component organization and biogenesis A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the formation, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of a cellular component; includes the plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the cell wall and cell envelope. 3495 17.28 29 1.68 6.04e-03
chromosome segregation The process by which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets. 79 0.39 3 7.68 7.22e-03
chromosome condensation The progressive compaction of dispersed interphase chromatin into threadlike chromosomes prior to mitotic or meiotic nuclear division, or during apoptosis, in eukaryotic cells. 26 0.13 2 15.56 7.34e-03
small GTPase mediated signal transduction Any series of molecular signals in which a small monomeric GTPase relays one or more of the signals. 584 2.89 8 2.77 9.46e-03

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